Büro: Mittwochs, 10:30 bis 12:30, 039322-726878, außer in den Ferien!

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Start and end on time

Materials needed: Bible, MIP Booklet, Leader’s Guide (optional), pen, Prayer Sheets (found in the Leader’s Guide and on our websites www.momsinprayer.org,  www.momsinprayer.eu, www.momsinprayer.de)

Praise (estimate 8-10 minutes)

Instruction: Leader: Select an attribute, name or character of God as a topic of focus for your prayer hour. Use definitions. Give Scripture(s) which will further describe and define. The leader may assign moms different verses to read.

Prayer: Focus on the one attribute chosen by praying in one accord. For example, “Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You for being ____________.” Remember, this is not Thanksgiving, stay focused on the character of God—who He is.

Silent confession (estimate 2-3 minutes)

Transition prayer

Leader: “Father, in Your word You tell us that You know everything and that nothing is hidden from You. You tell us if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before You; and whatever we ask we receive from You (I John 3:21b-22 NASB). Therefore, Father, search our hearts and tell us if there is anything that is displeasing to You.”

Thanksgiving (estimate 5-8 minutes)

Transition prayer

Leader: “Father, we thank You for the forgiveness of our sins, and now we want to thank You for how You have answered our prayers.” Include the answers to previous prayer requests as others join in one accord. Thanksgiving only, no requests!

Intercession (estimate 30-40 minutes)

Instruction (estimate 3 minutes):

Leader: Give one Scripture to pray for the children. Each mom uses the same Scripture and each mom prays for one of her children. Also, give the Scripture and/or topic to pray for the teachers, the school concerns and the MIP concerns, which are available online under Leaders Corner. Form groups of two or as comfortable.

Intercession for our own children (estimate 10-15 minutes)

Pray scripturally—Pray for one child at a time, placing the child’s name in Scripture. Pray back and forth until the Holy Spirit leads you to pray for the other child using the same Scripture.

Pray a specific request—Pray for one child at a time.

Intercession for teachers (estimate 5 minutes)

Urgent prayer requests for specific teachers should be given to the leader, preferably before the MIP meeting, or introduce them in prayer, i.e. teacher in hospital.

Pray scripturally and/or topically—Each pair of moms may pray for her child’s teacher and/or one teacher from the faculty list. Pray also for the urgent prayer requests.

Intercession for school concerns (estimate 10 minutes)

Give topics or concerns. Group members should share school concerns with the leader, preferably before the MIP meeting, or introduce them in prayer. See the Praying for Children and Schools section of this Leader’s Guide for prayer suggestions.

Intercession for MIP (estimate 5 minutes)

Give topics or concerns. Here are some suggestions:

    • Pray for the group’s integrity, confidentiality and unity.
    • Pray for your Area Coordinator and/or State Coordinator.
    • Pray for MIP Headquarters.
    • Pray for more volunteer help for the MIP ministry—locally, nationally and internationally.
    • Pray for the financial needs of the ministry.
    • Pray for protection and wisdom for the MIP Country Coordinators.

Pray for protection and wisdom for the MIP Country Coordinators.

MiP in the 16 German federal states

Berlin Bremen Bremen Hamburg Niedersachsen Bayern Saarland Schleswig-Holstein Brandenburg Sachsen Thüringen Sachsen-Anhalt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baden-Württemberg Hessen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Schweiz Österreich Luxemburg Frankreich Belgien Tschechien Polen Niederlande Dänemark Bornholm (zu Dänemark) Helgoland (zu Schleswig Holstein) Nordsee Ostsee Karte


Use your PC mouse to click on the state in which you wish to find a group. There you will find information and contact numbers to help you further.

Buch von Kathrin Larsen


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Ein Gebet für dein Kind


Kinder stark und mutig machen

Wir haben ein neues Buch von Sally Burke, Präsidentin von Moms in Prayer, übersetzen lassen mit dem Titel „Kinder stark und mutig machen“. Das Buch ist bereits im Büro und im Handel erhältlich und lädt dazu ein, spezifisch und konkret mit Bibelstellen für unsere Kinder und ihre Anliegen zu beten.


Aus den Regionen

Jahresvers 2024

postkarte ps138

Material in ukrainisch & russisch

Liebe Mama , vielleicht hast Du in Deinem Umfeld Kontakte zu ukrainischen Mamas? Möchtest Du ihnen von dem kostbaren Geschenk erzählen, das sie ihren Kindern machen können? ukraineMit diesem Material hast Du eine wertvolle Unterstützung in Deiner Hand und kannst sie zum Gebet für Kinder, Lehrer und Schulen einladen: MiP-Hefte und Flyer auf ukrainisch,  Verskärtchen auf russisch. Bestellungen per Mail ans Büro

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